Another visit to the Pergamon Panorama, by Asisi. Close-up of people entering a stadium.
foundation to a palace from the Halaf site in Syria. Circa 9th century b.c.e. Pergamon Museum.
Lions before the Ishtar Gate.
The processional way through the Ishtar gate into the city. Glazed bricks. Originally 240 meters long. The museum has thirty meters of the original.
The Ishtar gate, the eighth to the inner city of Babylon. Made by Nebuchadnezzar II. (the one who threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace.) Look for the song on YouTube.
Portion of the gate of Ishtar.
This building, The Guardhouse or die Neue Wache, houses Kathe Kollwitz’s statue, the Pieta. It is one German’s memorials to the victims of war and brutality. The plaque specifically mentions the Jews, the Sinti, homosexuals, the ill, the disabled, and the millions of innocents who lost their lives.
You can just make out the statue through the central two columns.
A view of Humboldt University from Bebel Platz, one site of the May 10, 1933 book burning by the Nazi’s.
Ninety-two degrees.