Hamburger station converted into a museum where we Peter, Ingrid, and friends saw the exhibit.
Dunes. 1935
After Nolde was criticized for his abstract religious paintings he began a series about the Vikings. This picture was reproduced from a water color he had done.
Poppies and Red Evening Clouds. 1943
Sea and Dark Clouds. 1936
LIght Dahlias and Sunflowers. After the Nazi’s banned his paintings he abandoned figurative work and focused only on images of flowers.
Although he remained antisemitic, he did undergo the process of de-Nazification.
In 2009 the full story of Nolde’s Nazi membership became widely known as well as his having made money during the ban. He purged his writings of his antisemitic thoughts. This painting, on loan, hung in Angela Merkel’s office (the chancellor’s office) for many years, but had to be returned to the Nolde Foundation when the story came out.