Back at the Pergamon, we found out that the images were created by a combination of computer design, paintings, and photography and then printed on linen cloth.
The Mushkhushshu, the animal in the middle on the left, is a combination of a snake, eagle, dragon, and lion— a common pet in Berlin. The animal combination in the forefront has not yet been identified.
Note the resemblance.
This highly geometric prayer niche is from sometime in the 11th-13th century in Konya (present-day Turkey). These niches orient the devotees towards Mecca.
This carpet is from India. In order to date the carpets, the well known carpet detective Bode would look at paintings which included carpets in order to date the carpets themselves.
Mandarinfrischkaesetorte fuer Alice; Schwarzwaelderkirschtorte fuer Jesse, Walnusssahnetorte fuer Ingrid.
Team Mumpelpumpel. See Mumpel on left, setting Pumpel up for her patented Smash. They lost 21-11 to team Pommes.
Mutter. Tochter. Leder.
Mother. Daughter. Leather.