Sans Souci

On the way to Sans Souci, King Frederick the Great’s summer  palace, rival of Versailles. 1712-1786

On the way to Sans Souci, King Frederick the Great’s summer palace, rival of Versailles.

Rococo style room with columns carved from single pieces of marble.

Rococo style room with columns carved from single pieces of marble.

Marble hall.

Marble hall.

A country scene adorned the entrance of each of the four guest rooms.

A country scene adorned the entrance of each of the four guest rooms.

The last image you see as you leave the palace is this portrait of Frederick the Great by Any Warhol.

The last image you see as you leave the palace is this portrait of Frederick the Great by Any Warhol.

The Chinese Pavilion on the grounds of Sans Souci. Frederick the great admired Chinese silk, porcelain and calligraphy. He encouraged the  production of silk cloth in Prussia. Silk tapestries hung in his summer palace.

The Chinese Pavilion on the grounds of Sans Souci. Frederick the great admired Chinese silk, porcelain and calligraphy. He encouraged the production of silk cloth in Prussia. Silk tapestries hung in his summer palace.

Park Charlottenhof.

Park Charlottenhof.

Nikolai Church near the train station in Potsdam.

Nikolai Church near the train station in Potsdam.

Typical Potsdamer architecture.

Typical Potsdamer architecture.