He’s happier than he looks.
De Oude Kerk (The Old Church), begun in 1218. As you may recall from our Amsterdam blog last year, the windows had then been covered with red paper to prevent exposure of photosensitive paper, which was being used to get direct copies of the stained glass.
Trembling with excitement, Ingrid’s hand shook, but you can still see the colors.
Saskia van Uylenburgh’s tomb in the floor of the Oude Kerk. Rembrandt’s first wife.
The monks had to sit in uncomfortable seats, whose undersides were carved with often profane images. Here a man defecates money. The seats were on hinges and when pulled down to be sat on, the images were invisible. They were meant to amuse.
This style vase was made for kings.
Ingrid took this picture of a flash downpour from the inside of the barbershop where Peter had a noteworthy haircut.
After Maatjes herring for lunch, there was only room for an apple tart and an apple crisp for dinner.