Today we skimmed German history from 500 c. e. to the present in four hours. Portrait of Charlemagne (Karl the Great) around 800. By Albrecht Duerer.
Mars and Venus. Common allegorical idea that love could tame militancy, especially in relation to the thirty years war. artist unknown. First half of 17th century.
Frederick Wilhelm the 1st, the soldier king, sent out scouts to recruit tall soldiers. Here is one them: Grenadier Schwerid Rediwanoff from Moscow.
Everyone’s favorite?
Armored Knight and horse. Around 1200.
Martin Luther and his wife, Katharina von Bora. 1529. She bore him six children.
Felix Nussbaum painted this while in hiding, but was discovered and sent on the last train to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Bruno Apitz, a communist incarcerated in Buchenwald from 1937 to 1944, found a piece of Goethe oak, sculpting The Last Face, hoping to restore the dignity of the concentration camp victims.
Social democratic election poster. “Mothers, your voices decide our future. Vote list 1. Social democrats” 1933
“Fight with us. Vote Communist. List 4.”
“These two (the communist and the Nazi) are to blame that the gentleman’s club reigns and that the lives of the German working class worsen daily. The 6th of November should be their judgment day. Vote Social democrat.“ (Bernie Sanders?)
A canister of Zyklon B . Exposed to air it becomes cyanide gas.
The people of Wakersdorf protested so vehemently against a plutonium enrichment plant, that construction was halted. 1986
They got to see “Rebel Without a Cause” in West Germany, but not in East Germany.