Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a minister, moved to this then poor neighborhood to be closer to his flock. He was a critic of the Nazi’s. Hitler personally ordered his arrest and imprisonment. He was put to death on April 9th, 1945, less than a month before the war’s end.
He lived around the corner from where we are staying now. This was his residence.
Our neighborhood throws a street party once a year, beginning at 2pm and ending at 11pm. There is street food, live music, games, diversions for children (of which there are many)and a flea market. These boys sold us hand-made sweets. Ingrid insists that you learn that the trays are called Bauchladen. (belly shops).
One vanilla. One hazelnut.
This peaceful, unified city has much to thank Gorbachev for. And it was he who began nuclear disarmament talks by announcing he would meet anywhere with Reagan to begin negotiations. (First meeting in Iceland) Werner Herzog interviews Gorbachev in this fascinating movie.